20 February 2023

2023.02.20--The Charms of Live Music

Recently a hotel near me started presenting live jazz ensembles on Sunday afternoons. It's free to the public with the purchase of a drink. Henry and I walk over to the hotel and enjoy the intimate setting. Everyone is close to the musicians and often hold conversations with them between pieces and during breaks.

The dynamic between audience and musicians creates a collaboration or sorts, with the audience calling out "Go on!" and "Yeah!" and applauding solos or righteous riffs. Live music always brings tears to my eyes and I'm instantly charmed, even by less than grand performers. I encourage them all! It's not the same in a big venue like the Hollywood Bowl or a stadium where a single voice can't be heard above the sound system and the crowd. I prefer these small venues with a cocktail in hand(perhaps a Campari and soda or a strong Negroni). And of course free is generally good...

--Be fierce and thrive!
