23 March 2020

03.23—Eight Steps Up

Few of us consider climbing stairs an accomplishment; today Henry climbed eight without help from his therapist and that is a great accomplishment. I am beyond happy—and so is he. To get to his apartment there are 14 stairs that he will have to climb and I am excited he is so close to moving back home.

The Institute has requested another week of therapy from the insurance company and we hope they will approve as it will put Henry on a path to success. His proposed release date is now 2 April. He will celebrate his birthday at California Rehabilitation Institute and I hope they will let me be there with him.

Be fierce and thrive...


  1. Anonymous25/3/20 17:20

    Please give Henry my Birthday Wishes! Hoping he is hope safe with you April 2nd .. what a celebration that will be! ((HUGS)) Carrie Lynn

  2. Thank you! I'm going to the Institute on Friday to train on how to care for him. We are close to being at home together again!!

  3. I'm so happy that he will be able to go home what a great accomplishment I'm so so happy for you both xoxo


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